Tuesday 28 October 2008

Brett & Mika Married - 19.10.2008

Congratulations go to Brett & Mika for their marriage on the 19th October! It was an absolutely beautiful day and Brett & Mika were married at the Fairways Golf & Beach Retreat (http://www.fairwaysretreat.com.au/) on the surf side of Bribie Island (Woorim). Brett & Mika had penthouse apartments booked at the fairways and maybe I'm a little sheltered but the apartments were enormous! (and gorgeous!) A big thank you to Jeff at Fairways who helped me out during the week to scope out the site for the big day.

Anyways back to Brett & Mika. They had a small and intimate ceremony on the rooftop of the Fairways, absolutely lovely. After that we took off to the park and a little later the beach to have some relaxed shots!

Brett & Mika, thank you for involving me in your special day.

Wen xx

Brett & Mika 1

Brett & Mika 4

Brett & Mika 2

Brett & Mika 3

Brett & Mika 5

Brett & Mika 6

Brett & Mika 7

Brett & Mika 8

Brett & Mika 9

Brett & Mika 10

Brett & Mika 11

Brett & Mika 12

Brett & Mika 13

Brett & Mika 14

Brett & Mika 15

Sunday 26 October 2008

Bookings for 2009

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that I am currently taking bookings for 2009 for Weddings & Portrait sessions. I'm filling up fairly quickly especially at the moment in April, so call me as soon as you can to arrange an appointment with me so we can discuss your special day/or your portrait ideas!


Mob: 0439 984 157
Ph: 07 3851 4232

Monday 20 October 2008

SilverEdge Photography - Scott & Satchiko Married!

I'm really pleased to tell you that I have been working for all of this year with Sophie Greensill who is the owner and principal photographer of SilverEdge Photography! And not only is she all that but Sophie is also mum to two gorgeous little boys and a lovely human being and friend.

Here are a couple of shots from the wedding I did solo for SilverEdge the weekend before last. Scott & Satchi are from NSW and came up to Brisbane for the wedding. They were married at the very beautiful Broadway Chapel http://www.broadwaychapel.com/ .

There will be more shots on Sophie's blog http://silveredgephotography.blogspot.com/.


Scott & Satchi

New Logo

You may have noticed that I've changed my logo... thought it was time for a fresh start, I've used my original logo for nearly 2 years and its taken me through most of my study. I'm liking it but I'm wondering if it's too casual for wedding photography in particular. So... what do you think?

September Holidays - Part 2: Takin it to the Beach

As I mentioned before we had a great place to stay overnight... kind of crazy for one night as to how lovely it was...

Many thanks to the folks at Pacific Paradise Resort http://www.queenslandspacificparadiseresort.com/index.html for the lovely stay. For a two day trip we hit the beach 3 times which made Luci very happy... here's some shots of our morning beach trip...


Las in front of the Flag

Surfer Girl


Lifesaver Flag

View from Mudjimba Beach

Here's some shots of the apartment we stayed in overnight... at reception they told us that we saved nearly $100 by going through http://www.wotif.com/ .

The Unit 1

Ok, i made this bed so it usually looks property made up when you first walk in... just visualise the bed made up...

The Unit 2

The Unit 3

The Unit 4

Off to the park to wait for the day to cool down a bit before our last swim...


Slippery dip

Slippery dip

Slippery dip


Ahhh.... holidays... gotta love em!


Tuesday 14 October 2008

September Holidays - Part 1: Underwater World

We didn't have much time these holidays (when do we ever lol?) to go away but we decided it would be nice to do something, so we checked on http://www.wotif.com.au/ before we left and found a great place up at Mudjimbah and packed the kids up for a mini-holiday! We took them to yes, you guessed it by the title of this blog post to UNDERWATER WORLD!

I had never been before, I think Dam had years ago and the kids hadn't either. We we loved it, no we lurrrved it! We waited patiently in line to get inside and when it was our turn we were told there were two spots left for the Seal Encounter. The other spot got snapped up and as Las was a bit too young to do it, we got the last spot for Luci! I was allowed to go with her and watch... Dam & Las got to watch from the other side of the enclosure.

The following three images were taken by the Underwater world staff photographer (scanned by me - they didn't scan too well unfortunately - they look better if you view them in flickr - just click on the image.)

Luci & Seal2

Luci & Seal1

Luci & Seal3

We got a "backstage tour" of the Seal enclosure and got to see where they wait before their show starts but everyone can go and see them swimming around downstairs in the viewing area... I got these ones...

Underwater Seal 3

Underwater Seal

Underwater Seal 2

Some fishies upstairs... this one looks like he'd camoflauge quite well in amongst a coral reef.

Coral Reef Fishy


These fish were probably as big as Lara!

Giant Lara kissing Fish

Mr Otter! Funny little things! They liked to bunch together quite a bit. I don't really know why there were otters there considering Otters aren't native to Australia or anything but I guess it's cool for the Aussie kids to see creatures from other countries. And they are so darn cute!

Mr Otter

Then it was off to what turned out to be my favourite part of Underwater world, the Tunnel! To see those sharks just meandering around, just cruising and even sometimes with a bit of a posse was just too cool! I have had a bit of a fear/fascination wierd thing going on with sharks in the past... even looking at these photos makes me skip a beat a bit, but seeing them in the tunnel just gave me a real feeling of peace towards them, especially just seeing how they "interact" (that's code for not chomping on everything and anything that they swim past) with the fish and other creatures around them!


Macleans are Showing

Sting Ray

Favourite 2 shots of the day... the fishies underbellies!



Luci & Las in the tunnel, it was hard to get them to look at me for one second to get a photo with all the sharks everything around them... Lara really loved the revolving floor probably though more than the fishies!

Luci in the Tunnel

Lara in the Tunnel

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