Friday 30 January 2009


My family were invited up to spend the day with some of the loveliest people you will ever meet, the Morgan family at their caloundra apartment. I met Mr & Mrs Morgan's eldest daughter Erica at church when I was at school. I think our friendship began through a mutual friend and developed pretty rapidly. Her little sis Jules is just as gorgeous as Erica and we have become firm friends also. I think in the friends department I have an extremely charmed life, and I am so greatful for friends like the Morgans!

Anyhoo back to caloundra: we let the kids loose on the pool for awhile and then we had an afternoon of air hockey, tennis and ping pong followed by more pool. Needless to say, the girls had a blast. Later on in the afternoon we spotted a huge ship cruising by on the water and Mrs Morgan's binoculars came out much to Lara's delight! I have many photos of Lara discovering the purpose of binoculars but i thought i'd just show you the last couple and some swimming shots. Kids and pool delight!

Lasy Swimming

Luci Swimming

Luci & Lasy

She was fascinated with the binoculars... here she is just realising that i've been taking photos of her... lol

Lara binoculars

Lara binoculars2

Just a reminder my lovely blog watchers, that you only have until tomorrow, ok until Midnight tomorrow night 31st January 2009, to enter my blog! I have 3 prizes on offer, 2 x couple sessions and 1 x individual session! Its simple to enter, simply leave a message on one of my January blog entries letting me know how your new year celebrations went and which session you would like to win. Happy last minute entering and good luck!

Wen xx

Coffee Date

Friends... Flowers... Eastern Water Dragons... Sprinklers... Japanese Gardens... More Sprinklers... Coffee & Icecream... voila Afternoon Tea with a twist!

So the week before last I met up with Julie & Brooke 2 of my good friends from college for coffee at the Mt Cootha Botanical gardens. It would have been a bit of a drive out for them as they are well and truly southsiders so thanks ladies! Its the first time we've seen each other since our graduation night last December.

I brought the kidlets with me and we went on a leisurely stroll around the gardens and terrified a few Eastern Water Dragons along the way. Here's some shots from the day...

They're Flowers!

Lara picked these in the blink of an eye or before I had a chance to tell her that she can't pick the flowers!

4 flowers

A couple of shots from the fern garden...


I really love this shot!

Green Fingers

Its Flowers

Little Lasy... i told her today... "butter wouldn't melt in your mouth would it darling?" "No!" was the matter of fact response!

Miss L

This shot may not convince you, but he was definitely LOVING the attention here!

Mr Lizard (aka Mr E.W. Dragon)

Thursday 29 January 2009

I hereby Taggeth thou... 6 thingseth

Tea Light Vessels

Thou hast been tagged by my very talented sister Linny to revealeth 6 quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myselfeth.

Hereth thou are:

(ed: enough very bad ye old english now Wen!)

1. I live in many ways like a complete NERD... i could go as far as geek but that's too strong a word (!) but refuse to consider myself actually AS a nerd. If I compare myself to the extremely hilarious guys on "the big bang theory".... well need I go any further lol!

2. The most far away from home I have travelled is to Melbourne and that consisted of a one night stay over (actually while i was very pregnant with Luci) for a work thing so I got to see absolutely nothing of Melbourne :(

3. I used to have an irrational fear of balloons popping. Having the kids who are two crazy balloon loving creatures i've slowly worked through this but to me it used to be very real!

4. I collect house plans off the net... there, i said it! Well partially because i'd like to rebuild one day but also and also because i'm trying to find that "perfect" home.

5. I play the online game, World of Warcraft a.k.a WoW. I have a level 80 Mage named "Luciline" (Damian started the character so he's the one who named her) and she's just finished exploring the territories of the Eastern Kingdom!

6. I really like candles and candle holders, candlelabras, anything to do with candles, scented candles etc....

So there you have it... now I have to tag 6 people... who to tag, who to tag... you will just have to wait and see!

Wen xx

P.S: Only a couple of days left to enter my first blog competition!!! See earlier blogs in January for details!

Monday 26 January 2009

Happy Australia Day!


Hi all!

Wishing you a wonderful Australia Day... hope you have a safe one on the roads, eat various BBQ food and have loads of fun!

Wen xx

PS: 4 days left to enter my Blog competition! See below posts for more details!

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Nichi & Dan - Engagement Session

A little while ago I met up with Nichi & Dan to take photos for their engagement session at the Kangaroo cliffs. Our mutual friends Nicole & Rhys (whose wedding I shot in August) gave Nichi & Dan a gift certificate to have an "E session" with me, which was more than kind of them! (A very good gift idea I must say for those out there stuck for ideas for engaged couples or even birthday gifts etc. Give me a call if you're interested!)

It was a beautiful day at the cliffs, a must for a future picnic/walk. It was especially great to be able to walk around amongst all the absailers, runners and rollerskaters!

Thanks Nichi & Dan! Here's my favourite shots of the day!

N&D 3

N&D 2

N&D 1

N&D 6

N&D 11

N&D 4

N&D 5

N&D 7

N&D 9

N&D 10

N&D 12

N&D 13

N&D 15

N&D 14

Don't forget there's only 10 days left of my blog competition! Leave a comment on this or the previous entry to go into the draw!

Wen xx

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope you and your families had a wonderful christmas and are recovering nicely from this festive season! Did you have a good New Year? I hope so!

Here's some images from a portrait session I did with my daughters just before christmas. I took them to a lovely local field/hillside.

Walk in green Pastures

L & L

Miss L & Miss L

Miss L

Miss L

Lara discovered the "Santa Clauses" (what do you call them?) that where all over the paddock.

Make a Wish

Miss L & Miss L

Miss L

And the search began to find MORE Santa Clauses to make wishes on... I thought she looked like a little Ladybird here!


Miss L

Miss L & Miss L

Miss L

Miss L

There's a couple of farms right nearby and unfortunately this one is for sale and soon there will be no more lovely countryside in our suburb... got to get in before the developers do!

Miss L's

I thought we'd have a bit of fun... Lara loves talking on the phone....

Misses L's on phones

Miss L on Phone

When we got home Lara posed for this shot! Such a cutie! And I'm very biased... but I can admit it lol!

Merry Christmas

wendy poelstra photography is looking forward to a big year ahead! And to start the year off I am going to hold my first competition on my blog! There are 3 prizes: 2 x portrait session for a couple and 1 x portrait session for an individual. Each prize includes an 1hr & 1/2 session at a location of your choice, the DVD of the images, and an A4 print.

It's very easy to enter the draw, simply leave a message on my blog answering the question I asked you in the first paragraph of this blog entry and nominating which of the prizes you want to win.

There are some rules for this prize: 1. You must be residing in Brisbane, Qld, Australia to be eligible to claim the prize. 2. You must be able to claim your prize before the 30th April 2009 at a mutually suitable time. 3. You must be willing to have your images displayed on this blog and susbsequent website.

The prizes will be drawn on 31st January 2009. Good Luck!

Wen xx

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